NFL Message Board

Board Statistics
Totals Averages
Posts: 227
Threads: 222
Members: 12
Posts per day: 0.25
Threads per day: 0.24
Members per day: 0.01
Posts per member: 18.92
Threads per member: 18.5
Replies per thread: 0.02
Newest Member: darkel35
Members who have posted: 16.67%
Today's top poster: Nobody (0 posts)
Most popular forum: NFL (185 posts, 180 threads)

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Most Replied To Threads Most Viewed Threads
Chargers vs. Texans is first (2 replies)
Broncos are looking at the playoffs and Bears have only four wins (1 replies)
Pats mistreated Brady (1 replies)
Week 3 (1 replies)
Great matchup in SB (0 replies)
We need the regular season to start (0 replies)
Murray is the answer (0 replies)
Why would you trade Matt Ryan? (0 replies)
What happened to the Ravens? (0 replies)
Where did Josh Allen come out of? (0 replies)
Fields has to improve (0 replies)
Burrow started the season slow and went to a SB (0 replies)
Prescott has to play better (0 replies)
Wilson is a steal (0 replies)
The Lions thought they had a loser in Stafford and he won a SB (0 replies)
Registration Procedure (10,972 views)
NFL is not as brutal as it was (8,181 views)
Week 3 (3,266 views)
Texans need a franchise QB (3,078 views)
Burrow started the season slow and went to a SB (2,982 views)
Tagovailoa is a good QB. (2,905 views)
What happened to the Ravens? (2,900 views)
Wilson is a steal (2,900 views)
Colts (2,887 views)
Media needs to focus on the top QBs (2,878 views)
Is Lawrence good enough? (2,870 views)
Titans are good, but their QB can be better (2,870 views)
Herbert can win a SB (2,857 views)
Why would you trade Matt Ryan? (2,856 views)
Murray is the answer (2,828 views)